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Mildew and lavender

IMG_3032I have to laugh, thinking back on my early years in advertising. All those Pine Sol commercials I wrote touting the strength of this miracle product, always closing with the thought that if it smells like Pine Sol, it must be clean.


Well, I’ve got to admit that it does what I said it would do. Mildew be gone. Thanks to Pine Sol. And my lavender-scented rubber gloves.


I’ve entered into Stage Two of my Airstream Project. Stage One was getting Amelia out of Hidden River Park and safely to its undisclosed tropical location. Stage Two is making it livable.


Here’s just a sample of where I started:





Once the musty blue carpet was pulled up, it was sweep and mop, mop and sweep till every speck of dirt and dust was gone.




Notice the Scoop Away bucket. Another nod to my advertising past, although I was doing primarily Fresh Step kitty litter commercials. Oh, how life comes full circle.


Next I get the bright idea to paint the plywood floor, adding bamboo mats to fulfill my promise of all-natural products. Actual bamboo floors will follow, but there’s far too much work to do before that ever happens.


Cut to the chase. Ta-da!



Now, what Amelia needs is a party to show her off!


One celebration, coming right up!

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