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Just another day at the office….

True Stories DeskIt’s everything I had hoped for, working in my aluminum womb. It really feels like I’m in my own world. Right now this amazing flute player (flutist?) is playing on my iPod and my speakers are belting out her amazing sound. Her name is Holly Hofmann and  I saw her perform at Rollins College a few months ago. The perfect soundtrack to the movie of my new life in Amelia Airstream. Check her out at www.hollyhofmann.com.


I’m happy to say, life is finally beginning to settle down. After an amazing trip to San Francisco and a quickie three-day cruise to the Bahamas to celebrate my mom’s 86th birthday, I’m back to writing. Right now I’m totally obsessed with my new website, www.truestoriescreative.com and it can suck up a whole day before I realize the day (or night) is over! But I love learning new programs and this one, as challenging as it is, is really paying off.


Well, we’ll let Doug and Simon at R3M1X3d be the judge of that! They’re my  website gurus. Totally Mac’d out, they know good design and they know how to create it. I’m seeing them on Friday at their historic downtown office on Pine Street in Orlando. I think it’s destiny that I’m working with them since my home in San Francisco is on Pine Street. How cool is that? You can check out their work at www.r3m1x3d.com.


The big news is that Amelia is now wired for electricity, thanks to my buddy, Clive Dunne, and his electrician extraordinaire, Mike. Which means the AC is crankin’ out the cold air. As much as I want to be eco-logical, Amelia would be an oversized microwave if I didn’t have it. But I just discovered something totally cool that I’m going to look into. You know those ads on the right side of your Facebook page that you usually ignore? Well, today I saw a post for “Airstream owners only.” It was for a solar panel for Airstreams. How cool is that? (No pun intended since I’m considering it to run my AC!) I just need a new assignment to pay for it. So, for a limited time only, the first client who calls me will get whatever you want for $785 which is the price of the solar unit, including tax and shipping. So, come on clients, ready to save the environment? Simply give me an assignment and you’ll be getting a great deal and making Amelia totally solar. Then, when Earth Day rolls around again, you can embrace it, knowing you did your bit to help save the planet.


In the meantime, it’s so cold in here, I have to turn down the AC.


Hard to believe it’s 96 degrees today here in OTown! In the comfort of Amelia, it’s in the low 70’s. Sweet!

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