True Stories Creative offers advertising concepts, copywriting & Real People directing, specializing in luxury real estate, travel, biz tech, healthcare, finance, food, fashion, social media and other consumer obsessions. Home base: Orlando, Florida. Satellite offices in Cape Canaveral, San Francisco and any place that serves good coffee. On site. Off site. In demand.

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A little about True Stories:

She goes the distance to get the story. The true story.

Christy Anderson’s True Stories Creative is a freelance marketing company offering advertising concepting, copywriting, new business development and on-the-street interviewing for presentation video. Specializing in travel, real estate, luxury resort properties, package goods, healthcare and educational and financial services, True Stories offers print, TV, radio, collateral, outdoor, web content and social media.

Headquartered in a vintage Airstream named Amelia, True Stories is the epitome of the true creative spirit.

From the blog:

People With Patterned Skin

The yin/yang of website development

Ok, so every time I have lunch with my highly talented friends Doug and Simon of REMIXED, I learn something. Yesterday it was that you can’t use a tiff in a website or the photo will “break apart.” Or “split.” Or something equally “serious.” Who knew? Obviously not me. But everyone…

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